We firmly believe in long-term solutions whether they are directly related to our client’s business growth or they are in connection with our immediate environment and how we affect it. We are taking small steps to integrate sustainable ecological methods across all the manufacturing units that work in collaboration with us.
Our imports come from a wide number of sources which follow the linear economy and are struggling to become a sustainable economy due to a myriad of factors-infrastructure, funding, regional policies, lack of technological innovation are some of the common reasons we come across regularly. We have made considerable progress in the sector of tree harvesting as all our imported furniture is made using the wood that’s harvested on sustainable land maintaining the natural balance of the eco system.
We have also made efforts to reduce the use of toxic chemicals and are working on completely removing them in the near future. Our team is working closely with our partners that uphold the same values and are trying to transition from a traditional set up to one which will reduce the landfills helping in make the environment better.